Return to Play

4 Jun 2020 by Michael Asensio

Good evening Cubs,

Great news, we will be resuming training next week.

The Cubs committee have been working hard to ensure that we have a comprehensive ‘return to play safety plan’, to ensure that everyone’s health and wellbeing is protected.

Important dates:
• Tuesday 9 June – Coaches briefing – all coaches will receive a ‘Teams’ meeting invitation to attend this briefing. Please ensure you can attend as you will not be able to resume training until you have been fully briefed.
• Thursday 11 June – training resumes for U6-U11’s. Coaches will communicate your start time next week.
• Tuesday 16 June – training resumes for U12’s-U15’s. Coaches will communicate your start time next week.

We are currently in step 1 of the NSWRL return to play roadmap – see attached.

That means the following will be in place:

Training activities will include general fitness and ball drills. No contact, tackling, etc. permitted.
Parents are required to drop off and pick up only and not to stand around on the field.
No lingering before or after training.
No Cubs member to attend any training if suffering symptoms of COVID-19
Maintain 1.5m physical distancing while not training
Participants will wash their hands with sanitiser before and after training
Each coach will be responsible for their teams equipment, this includes washing footballs, field markers etc (to be cleaned at start and end of training).
All participants will have their attendance recorded. Each coach will be responsible for this prior to training commencing.
Training session will be no longer than 1 hour.
Safety Officer will be present to ensure requirements are being met.

Finally, can all parents please review the education PowerPoint contained in the following link and share it with your children. It is important that they understand that things will be a little different when we resume.

We will continue to keep you updated as we transition back into full competition. At this stage it looks like we will be able to resume contact training from 1 July, and resume competition games from 18 July.

If you have any questions, please feel free to give me a call.

It will be great to get back into footy!!
Go Cubs go!

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